People over the age of 21 may lawfully use marijuana in Michigan. However, you should not view the legalization of marijuana as an impenetrable shield that allows you to use cannabis without regard for the health and safety of your children.
Ask yourself the following question to determine if using marijuana is a wise decision and whether it can be used against you in a Family Court: Does my marijuana use create an unreasonable danger to my children during my parenting time? If the answer is yes, then you should not use marijuana during your parenting time. Marijuana consumption, like alcohol, must be done responsibly and in moderation. Operating a vehicle while intoxicated is still illegal and Children’s Protective Services can still intervene when marijuana use causes abuse or neglect to minor children.
If you have minor children and you use marijuana, use common sense, and abide by these guidelines:
* Don’t consume marijuana in the presence of your kids or shortly before your parenting time.
* Don’t use and drive. That’s illegal.
* Keep your paraphernalia locked away and out of sight from kids.
* Keep evidence of your use out of social media.
