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            “As a family law attorney- I’m a big proponent of mediation as it allows for the parties to take ownership of their agreement as opposed to a judge deciding what’s best for the family. It is less expensive than going to trial, and people are generally happier with the outcomes. Both sides can be heard and best interests can still be represented.”


-Kim Grover

Kim’s journey in mediation began at the end of Law School in 2010 when she took the Civil Law Mediation course and began volunteering for Wayne Mediation Center. She expanded her work to the 33rd and 36th district courts working civil cases like small claims, landlord/tenant and other civil matters.


However, Kim’s primary focus is family law, so while waiting for the results of the Michigan Bar Exam in 2011, she took the Domestic Mediation course and completed requirements to be a court appointed mediator. She continued volunteering for Wayne Mediation Center, but moved to family law cases including custody, parenting time, child support, and property matters.  Kim also volunteered for the parenting time docket and in- court mediation for the 3rd Circuit Court.


Kim was an accountant for 25 years prior to attending Law School. She’s financially savvy and enjoys financial complications that might frustrate others. She can provide creative solutions to difficult situations. Kim solely works in Wayne County, and is well-respected within the family court system.


Since the pandemic, Kim has been providing mediation sessions via Zoom for the convenience of all parties. 

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